- What the term safeguarding adults means
- Understanding roles and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals
- Relevant legislation, local and national policies and procedures which relate to safeguarding adults
- The main types of abuse and the possible indicators of abuse
- What constitutes harm, the nature and scope of harm to and abuse of adults at risk
- Why an individual may be vulnerable to harm or abuse
- What constitutes restrictive practices
- The range of factors which have featured in adult abuse and neglect
- The importance of ensuring individuals are treated with dignity and respect
- How to help people to keep themselves safe
- The local arrangements for the implementation of multi-agency Safeguarding Adult’s policies and procedures
- Ways in which the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by managing risk and focusing on prevention
- What to do if abuse of an adult is suspected
- The importance of sharing information with the relevant agencies
- How to get information and advice about preventing and protecting individuals from harm and abuse
- An understanding of normal child development
- The ways abuse and neglect may impact on normal development of children and young people
- Recognising potential indicators of child maltreatment
- Identifying children at greater risk of abuse
- The impact of a parent/carers physical and mental health on the wellbeing and development of a child or young person
- The importance of children’s rights in safeguarding
- Relevant legislation and guidance
- The importance of listening to children and young people
- How to take appropriate action if there are concerns about a child's welfare
- Documenting and reporting concerns
- The legal, professional, and ethical responsibilities around information sharing
- Professional abuse and raising concerns about the conduct of colleagues
- Understanding the needs and legal position of young people and the transition between children’s and adult legal frameworks and service provision
- Recognising how our own beliefs, experience and attitudes might influence professional involvement in safeguarding work.
- Where to access information, advice and support when considering safeguarding children
Key information
- A maximum of 12 participants can be accommodated on the course to ensure quality of teaching.
- Each learner will receive two workbooks (one for adult and one for children) which they will complete throughout the duration of the course.
- Each person will need to complete two theory assessments at the end of the course (one for adult and one for children).
- Successful participation of the course and all the assessments will result in certification.
- The certificate is valid for 2 years.
Course duration:
Two days - Each day is 7 hours inclusive of two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch break (please note lunch is not provided).
Course cost
Two days - £200 per person, payment due at time of booking.