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Book your Moving and Handling course with Wright Way Training

Moving and Handling People

There are two options for this course, either a one-day 6-hour course which involves theory and practical elements or a half-day 4-hour course which focuses only on the theory. Both of these courses are for staff who work with people and may have to support them to move or to support them with their personal care. All staff should complete this course annually due to the need to be fully up-to-date with their statutory manual handling responsibilities. This CQC mandatory course aims to help reduce the risk of injury to both staff and services users when performing moving & handling techniques in the workplace.

This course covers:

- The role and responsibilities of the employer and the employee when moving and handling people
- Key legislation relating to the moving and handling of people
- The anatomy of the spine and the consequences of poor moving and handling of people
- The principles of safe moving and handling
- Identifying the hazards of moving and handling people
- Completing risk assessments
- Understanding RIDDOR and other incident reporting
- Safe use of and the correct moving and handling equipment 

Key information
- A maximum of 12 participants can be accommodated on the course to ensure quality of teaching.
- If choosing the full day course, each participant will be required to complete a health declaration form.
- There are practical elements to the full day course.
- Each learner will receive a workbook which they will complete throughout the duration of the course.
- Each person will need to complete a theory assessment (this applies to both the full and the half-day course).
- There will be an additional practical assessment to pass the full day course.
- Successful participation of the course and all the assessments will result in certification which is valid for 1 year.

Course duration:
Half-day - 4 hours (theory only) 
Full-day - 7 hours (theory and practical)

The full day is inclusive of two 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch break (please note lunch is not provided).

Course cost:
Half-day theory only- £50 per person, payment due at time of booking.
Full-day theory and practical - £100 per person, payment due at time of booking.

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